Long time, no see… Let’s Get Real.

Hi, it’s nice to be able to talk to you all after going through such a long period with no writing. Although this is a fashion blog, I feel like it’s okay to be personal with you all and talk about real-life situations. I want this to feel like an expressive safe space for anyone that is reading.
After getting a head start on my blog and career goals, I fell into a dark place mentally. With covid at its peak, my family dealing with the physical and financial struggles of covid, and trying to find myself as a person… I began to shut down and lose myself. I lost sight of myself and what I was passionate about.
Crawling myself out of this mental state was the hardest part for me. Cleaning up my room, making healthy meals, and going out and seeing friends again started to feel like a chore.
Once I bounced back and was back on my feet I became a very busy bee. I went back to in-person school, I got a job and the dance season started. I made so many new friends along the way and was having the time of my life! I also officially applied to the Fashion Institute of Technology in October!
I was working and dancing simultaneously for about 10 months. And although I loved my job dearly and dance was a huge passion of mine for my entire life, It was time to pick and choose. When school, work, and dance all started to collide it became extremely overwhelming and it showed in my academic and athletic performances that I was physically and mentally tired.
I felt guilty leaving my job and the process of bringing myself to put in my two weeks notice was even difficult for me because I am a very selfless person. I was more worried about the business and its lack of staff than my personal growth. I concluded that it was very important for me to put myself first and to get back to my passions and goals.
When I left my job I felt so relieved that I felt like I could get back to my passions and interests without feeling like I was too busy to do what was most important to me. I started a clothing resale business called Thrift or List which has so far become pretty successful and has not only been a solid source of income but has allowed me to learn more about advertising and marketing which is so important for the major I applied to.
The point of this post was to share my personal experiences and that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to lose yourself a little and to take a break to get back on your feet again. Your problems are valid and you deserve to be listened to.
I am so excited to announce that I am now back on my blog and I am so excited to share so many new projects with you all!
Don’t forget to also check out @thriftorlist on Instagram to see my latest project!